
Stockholm turned out to be cold, not much different from Denver this time of the year. As many things, our reaction determines how much we are enjoying or suffering expirences like weather. I had a great time catching up with my college and high school friends after long time. I met some of them after 20 years. After giving up social media I had lost contact with many friends, however some made an effort to keep in touch. I felt that the effort we put in cultivating friendships were time well spent. I have lost contact with many of the friends. I had a guilt about that for long time. Finally I came to a realization, that I don't have to take the full responsiblity of loosing contact. I kept in touch with everyone who made an effort to keep in touch. At the end of the day it comes down to prioritization. We all have too many things to do, too little time. We have to pick and choose where to spend our time.

In addition to meeting friends, I had a quiet time to reflect on things and do some reading during this week. I found it was quite useful. I managed to read

  1. "The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick
  2. "Anything You Want" by Derek Sivers

Both of the books provide insights into building startups.

Now Page

As I'm building now page, I will add somethings I did over last six months


I started learning spanish in Duolingo and via a private instructor. It is a very satisfying to learn something new and see my progress.


I finished my MBA from Boston University. This was a big commitment over last two years. It was a rewarding expirence and glad to have my timeback for doing things I love


I visited England with my kids over the Christmas. We stayed in Manchester most of the time. We enjoyed time in Liverpool as well. At the end of every vacation we feel like we didn't have enough time.